Beginning the Conversation

Either you have registered to work with me in an independent study or you are thinking of doing so. You and I will work together to design your learning contract. In order to do that, you and I will need to have a conversation. By the first week of your study, you and I will decide

  • the goals of your study
    • Why do you want to engage in this study?
    • Do you have a degree program? If so, please send it to me!
    • What role does this study serve in your degree?
    • What is it that you expect to learn in this study?
    • Are there specific questions that you have?
    • Are there issues that you want to examine?
  • the different activities you will be expected to carry out
    • What do you already know about this topic or related topics?
    • What have you studied in this general area?
    • What kinds of learning activities do you expect to do?
      • Readings?
      • Essays?
      • Research?
      • A website?
      • A project of some kind?
      • Something else?
  • how you will be evaluated
  • how and when you and I will communicate
  • a study time-line

In effect, we will clarify your responsibilities and my responsibilities.

You can respond to some of these questions via e-mail or we can set up a time to talk on the phone or face-to-face. The major goal is for us to begin to communicate with one another in order to build this learning contract together.

I’m looking forward to working with you,
